Counselors » Vision, Mission and Beliefs Statement I Creencias, Misión y Visión

Vision, Mission and Beliefs Statement I Creencias, Misión y Visión

The Vision of the Allison Elementary school counseling program is that all students will acquire the social-emotional, academic, and college/career skills needed to reach their fullest potential and successfully manage their lives as healthy, responsible, compassionate, and productive citizens who respect themselves and others. 
The Mission of the Allison Elementary School counseling department is to provide equitable access to a data-driven comprehensive counseling program that supports the whole child. School Counselors will focus on the needs, interests, and issues related to social-emotional, academic, and college/career development. This is to be accomplished through school-wide activities, classroom guidance lessons, small groups, and short-term individual counseling. School Counselors will advocate, collaborate, and facilitate actions to promote a positive school climate that fosters acceptance of diversity, empathy for all, and perseverance through all life's challenges.
  • ALL students will have access to a school counselor who advocates for their socio-emotional, academic, and college/career needs and interests.
  • ALL students have a right to a safe, nurturing, and supporting learning environment.
  • ALL students can achieve social emotional, academic, and college/career success when given appropriate support and intervention.
  • ALL students have the ability to thrive and contribute to society as they continue on to middle school and beyond.
  • School Counselors collaborate with families, staff, and community resources to meet the students' needs.
  • Data should be used to design, implement, evaluate, and continuously improve the school counseling program.
  • The American School Counselor Association ethical standards should guide the work of the School Counseling Program and School Counselor.