Get Ready to Shakeout!

Each year more than 25 million people participate in Great ShakeOut Earthquake Drills worldwide, in K-12 schools, colleges, businesses, government agencies, other organizations, and households.

Participants practice "Drop, Cover, and Hold On” (and other aspects of their emergency plans):

  • DROP to the ground (before the earthquake drops you!),
  • COVER your head and neck with your arms and seek additional shelter by getting under a sturdy desk or table if nearby; and
  • HOLD ON to your shelter and be prepared to move with it until the shaking stops.


This year's International Shakeout Day is October 17, 2024.

At 10:17 a.m. (local time) you can join millions of people across California practicing earthquake safety.

¡El día internacional ShakeOut de este año es el 17 de octubre, cuando millones de personas alrededor del mundo participarán en simulacros de terremoto desde la oficina, la escuela, o el hogar!

A las 10:17 de la mañana (hora local) del 17/10, puede unirse a personas de todo el mundo que practican la seguridad contra terremotos.

Great American Shakeout image for web