Our School » Enrollment


For admittance to kindergarten in California:

According to Education Code 48000[a], a child shall be admitted to kindergarten maintained by the school district at the beginning of a school year, or at a later time in the same year if the child will have his or her fifth birthday on or before September 1, 2024 for the 2024-25 school year.

For first grade enrollment:

California law requires a child to be six years old on or before the start if a school year and each school year there after to be legally eligible for first grade (EC Section 48010).

For all students, please be sure to complete and provide the following information:

  1. Proof of residence - Verified by correct address on current driver's license, current utility bill, fully executed escrow papers (notarized copy), property tax statement, fully executed rental agreement, statement from manager and/or owner of residence.
  2. Age verification - Verified by certificated copy of birth certificate or statement by local county recorder certifying the date of birth, baptism certificate, passport/permanent resident card, or a notarized affidavit from parent/guardian or custodian of minor.
  3. Immunization records - Verified by yellow California immunization record booklet (from your doctor) or out of state immunization record. Please note Mantouz (PPD) skin test must be recent.
  4. Please complete and return the entire enrollment packet (folder) as soon as possible.